Catholic Men's Fellowship of California

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Faith in Action

My favorite verse in Scripture comes from James 2: 26. You gotta love Saint James. He wasn’t shy. He spoke his mind and was a fervent evangelist who believed our Actions speak volumes. He was the first of the Apostles martyred. James was the brother of John the Evangelist, sons of Zebedee. Peter, James & John were arguably the 3 closest, most trusted apostles to Jesus. James and John were the first two apostles to follow Jesus. They were with Jesus at the Transfiguration on Mount Tabor. Jesus brought Peter, James & John with Him into the Garden of Gethsemane where Judas betrayed our Lord.

I think what I like most about Saint James, is that he is passionate and doesn’t mince words. He is very black & white when it comes to leading by example. Back in the days of Jesus, the Scribes and Pharisees talked about being faithful and following the many to the laws of God. Saint James set everyone straight, and it applies to Christians and people of all faiths today as well.

Some people pit the words of St. Paul and St. James against each other. The fact is all too often folks take Saint Paul out of context when he essentially says: “if you have faith and believe in Jesus, you are saved.” That is only half the reading. Saint Paul also says: “we need to follow and imitate Jesus. We are called to act like Jesus.” Paul is far more eloquent but in line with the bold words of Saint James.

“WWJD” - What Would Jesus Do? This is the basis for the book of Saint James!

So many of us are very proud. We don’t like asking for help. But if you or I needed help, got mugged, hit by a car, fell off a ladder, got sick, lost our job … I would appreciate the prayers of others, but I would also welcome their outward action and support as well. That is Exactly what Jesus would do. We are called to do the same. Your assignment: read the 5 short chapters of St James.

James 2:26

“For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead.”


Dear Lord Jesus, Thank You for all the blessings You have given me. Please help me to be more watchful and alert so I can be ready to share Your Grace and help others on a daily basis and imitate You, demonstrating true Faith in Action. I ask this through the intercession of Your beloved Saint James.