Catholic Men's Fellowship of California

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The Epiphany of the Lord.

Merry Christmas Brothers and Sisters! I pray the light that has appeared in the heavens has arrived in your hearts and in your homes, which is Jesus Christ, the Lord.

Today we celebrate the Epiphany. The birth of the Christ Child was announced by the appearance of a star and the Wise Men, that came from afar, followed it until they arrived in Bethlehem. The word “epiphany” means that something has been revealed. God has revealed Himself and even gentiles (non Jews) have come to discover what has been revealed, God made into Flesh. (The Incarnation)

This manifestation (epiphany) of God coming in the flesh was for the whole world; that is why it was not to the priests, or the learned, or to the powerful that came to discover this good news. It was to the shepherds, the out casts, and these Magi, that God announced Himself.

The appearance of the star guided the Magi to the manger in Bethlehem and they came bearing gifts according to how they interpreted the meaning of the star announcing the birth of a new King. They understood somehow, this baby was God in human flesh. The gifts that they presented gave meaning to what the life of the new born King would be: Gold because He was the King of kings; frankincense because He would offer sacrifice to the Father as Eternal High Priest; myrrh because He would be anointed after His sacrifice on the cross.

It was the Christ Child that John the Baptist foretold and announced when at last He came. As Jesus was baptized in the Jordan by the Baptist, the voice of God the Father spoke “You are my beloved Son, with you I am well pleased.” This event fulfilled the purpose of John the Baptist and revealed the identity of the Christ that was born in the manger as the Son of God.


Merry Christmas, Fr. Steve Guitron Pastor, St. Joseph Pomona