Catholic Men's Fellowship of California

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The Holy Family Jesus Mary & Joseph

On this Feast of the Holy Family, Jesus is 12 years old! When we celebrate the Holy Family, we are acknowledging that God’s desire to be in relationship with us includes being involved in our families’ lives. This little family of Mary, Joseph and Jesus is very much like our own families. Just like our own families there are many interruptions. Mary and Joseph had to move, had to find their lost child, had to watch him grow up and leave home. The baby Jesus was born in a cave only suitable for animals! They were no more prepared for the reality of family life than we are, (with the exception of always walking in the will of God.) which is why all three of them are a good example for living our family life.

If we are to allow The Holy Family into our own families’ lives, are we expected to be holy as well? The answer is yes! Holiness is knowing our need for forgiveness and forgiving. Becoming holy is a journey. It is a life of conversion through prayer and use of the Sacraments to transform our lives. The path will be twisted and full of obstacles at nearly every turn. When we enter into marriage it is the beginning of a new chapter of our life with a spouse. Husbands and wives are bound together through the Sacrament of marriage to each other. Holiness in marriage becomes real when the couple grows deeper in love with one another through prayer and the Eucharist. Their love becomes fruitful when God blesses them with a child.

Holiness is not always an easy journey this is why our Lord instructed us that “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” Lk. 9:23 Yes! growing in holiness takes sacrifice. Each one of us will experience situations that will require complete dependance, surrender and trust in God. There was never a time when Jesus, Joseph or Mary our Blessed Mother depended on their own will, it was always allowing God’s graces and will to lead them.

Written by Fr. Robert Fulton